In spite of the fact that the web hosting service provided by the different companies seems identical, each provider has a customized platform with its own modifications and different ways to carry out given tasks. In such a case, an info-rich knowledge base will be very helpful both for persons with no past experience and for technically advanced individuals who will sooner or later learn how certain procedures are executed, but will waste time in the process. The purpose of such a knowledge base is to help make the hosting service fast and easy to use, sparing users loads of time and effort. The end result is happier customers, as they can quickly find the information they want, and substantially less work for the client service staff representatives, because typically most of the enquiries and problems that customers have got are already outlined in the knowledge base. If the articles are properly written and encompass more things, you will be able to learn more not only about your own account, but also about the hosting service in general.
Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Web Hosting
All shared web hosting that we’re offering come with a comprehensive knowledge base where you can find everything you should know with regard to your hosting account. Irrespective of whether you are aiming to create a brand-new database, to redirect a domain by means of an .htaccess config file or to set up an e-mail account on your desktop computer or hand-held device, you can just check our step-by-step help articles and all the info that you need will be there. When you go to a certain section of your Hepsia Control Panel, you will see articles that are related to the functions that can be accessed through it. If you want to check the entire article archive and get familiar with all the functions that Hepsia offers, or simply to read general information about the hosting service, you can explore the entire knowledge base, which can be accessed through the Help menu in your Control Panel. We’ve tried our best to cover any difficulty that you may experience, but in case you do not find what you are searching for, you can always contact us, as our tech support staff members are at your disposal 24 hours a day.
Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Servers
The Help section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with our semi-dedicated servers, will allow you to access the extensive online support documentation that we have compiled for you. The articles themselves offer generic information about our hosting services, informative guides about the separate features that you can make use of, along with troubleshooting guidelines that can help you fix common problems that you could confront. The topics that we’ve covered include virtually everything, from basic things such as how to host a brand-new domain in your account, to more elaborate ones such as which SSH commands can be executed on the semi-dedicated servers. Articles that are dedicated to the features of a given Control Panel section will always be available on the right side of the page that you’re on, while the complete article archive is accessible through the all-inclusive Help section.